Jade Dungeon




比如浏览器没有插件时是无法显示Markdown文件的,所以给浏览器加上了Markdown插件以后, 指定打开本地markdown文件的mime类型。

Firefox on Linux may not know how to handle markdown files by default (see #2). There are a number of possible workarounds for this (see this SuperUser question for example). Here are the 2 options that work the best:

One workaround is to add a new MIME type for markdown file extensions. Add the following XML to ~/.local/share/mime/packages/text-markdown.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mime-info xmlns='http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info'>
  <mime-type type="text/plain">
    <glob pattern="*.md"/>
    <glob pattern="*.mkd"/>
    <glob pattern="*.mkdn"/>
    <glob pattern="*.mdwn"/>
    <glob pattern="*.mdown"/>
    <glob pattern="*.markdown"/>

Then run

$ update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime


Another workaround (which might cover other OSs as well), is to edit Firefox’s private mime types.

These mime types are stored in a file indicated by helpers.private_mime_types_file, by default it is ~/.mime.types. Create this file if it does not exist, otherwise edit it, and add the following line:

type=text/plain exts=md,mkd,mkdn,mdwn,mdown,markdown, desc="Markdown document"

Then restart firefox.

Important note: On some systems, e.g. Ubuntu 21.10 or newer, firefox may be installed with a system like snap, which prevents it from reading files from your disk such as ~/.mime.types, see #86. In that case you need to use a path accessible to firefox, and expand the ~ to the full path of your home, e.g. use as filename and config value: /home/me/snap/firefox/common/mime.types − where me is your username. A suitable directory is likely the parent of .mozilla in your profile path, which you can find in about:profiles.