trait FrontgroundDetecter { def drawFrontground(image: Mat): Mat }
public static void absdiff(Mat backgroundImg, Mat inputImg, Mat foregroundImg)
class AbsDifferenceBackground(val backgroundImage: Mat) // extends FrontgroundDetecter { override def drawFrontground(image: Mat): Mat = { val foregroundImage = new Mat() Core.absdiff(backgroundImage, image, foregroundImage) return foregroundImage } }
为了避免把背景中摇动的叶子也记录为变动的前景。 不要总是用第一帧与当前帧比,可以用之前帧的平均值与当前帧对比:
\[ u_t = (1-a)u_{t-1} + ap_t \]- \(p_t\) is the new pixel value;
- \(u_{t-1}\) is the value of the average background at
- time \(t-1\) , which would be the last frame;
- \(u_t\) t is the new value for the background;
- \(α\) is the learning rate.
public static void accumulateWeighted( Mat inputFloating, Mat accumulatedBackground, double learningRate, Mat foregroundThresh);
class RunningAverageBackground(val learningRate: Double = 0.01, // val threshold: Int = 60) extends FrontgroundDetecter // { private[this] val inputGray = new Mat(); private[this] val accumulatedBackground = new Mat(); private[this] val backImage = new Mat(); private[this] val foreground = new Mat(); override def drawFrontground(image: Mat): Mat = { val foregroundThresh = new Mat() // Firstly, convert to gray-level image, // yields good results with performance Imgproc.cvtColor(image, inputGray, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) // initialize background to 1st frame, convert to floating type if (accumulatedBackground.empty()) { inputGray.convertTo(accumulatedBackground, CvType.CV_32F) } // convert background to 8U, for differencing with input image accumulatedBackground.convertTo(backImage,CvType.CV_8U) // compute difference between image and background Core.absdiff(backImage,inputGray,foreground) // apply threshold to foreground image Imgproc.threshold(foreground,foregroundThresh, threshold, 255, // Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY_INV) // accumulate background val inputFloating = new Mat() inputGray.convertTo(inputFloating, CvType.CV_32F) Imgproc.accumulateWeighted(inputFloating, accumulatedBackground, // learningRate, foregroundThresh) negative(foregroundThresh) } private[this] def negative(foregroundThresh: Mat): Mat = { val result = new Mat(); val white = foregroundThresh.clone(); white.setTo(new Scalar(255.0)); Core.subtract(white, foregroundThresh, result); result } }
Mixture of Gaussians model(MOG)能更好地处理背景中舞动的树叶。
org.opencv.video..Video.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2( int history, double varThreshold, boolean detectShadows)
过去的长度,默认500。 -
the threshold on the squared Mahalanobis distance between the pixel and the model to decide whether a pixel is well described by the background model,默认16; -
class MixtureOfGaussianBackground(val learningRate: Double = 0.01) extends // FrontgroundDetecter { private[this] val mog = org.opencv.video.Video.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2() private[this] val foreground = new Mat() override def drawFrontground(image: Mat): Mat = { mog.apply(image, foreground, learningRate); return foreground; } }
// Impproc public static void findContours(Mat image, List<MatOfPoint> contours, Mat hierarchy, int mode, int method, Point offset)
实现了Suzuki的论文《Topological structural analysis of digitized binary images by border following》中描述的Suzuki算法。
:识别出来的轮廓会存放到参数列表中。 -
:an optional output vector that is set for each contour found. They represent 0-based indices of the next and previous contours at the same hierarchical level, the first child contour, and the parent contour, represented in the hierarcy[i] [0] , hierarcy[i][1] , hierarcy[i][2] , and hierarcy[i][3] elements, respectively for a given i contour. If there aren't contours corresponding to those values, they will be negative. -
is set, all the contour points are stored. On the other hand, when usingImgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE
for this value, horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines are compressed by using only their endpoints.
// Imgproc public static void drawContours(Mat image, java.util.List<MatOfPoint> contours, int contourIdx, Scalar color)
:输出图像。 -
:找到的轮廓。 -
:线类型。 -
decision is to find the contour area. OpenCV implements this function through Imgproc.contourArea . This function can be found in the chapter6 source code's sample connected project. This application takes an image as input, runs a threshold over it and then uses it for finding the contours. Several options are available for testing the functions discussed in this section, such as whether it is filling the contour or painting the contour according to the area found. The following is a screenshot of this application:
// Imgproc public static double contourArea(Mat contour, boolean oriented)
private def resetOutput(oriImage: Mat, imageThreshold: Int): (Mat, Mat) = { val outImage = oriImage.clone() val binImage = new Mat(oriImage.rows() ,oriImage.cols(), CvType.CV_8UC1, new Scalar(0)) val temp = new Mat() Imgproc.cvtColor(oriImage, temp, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY); Imgproc.threshold(temp, binImage, imageThreshold, 255.0, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY_INV) (binImage, outImage) }
def findContours(binImage: Mat): java.util.ArrayList[MatOfPoint] = { val contours = new java.util.ArrayList[MatOfPoint]() val contourMat = binImage.clone() Imgproc.findContours(contourMat, contours, new Mat(), Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) logDebug("Number of found contours: {}", contours.size()) contours }
def drawContours(contours: java.util.ArrayList[MatOfPoint], outImage: Mat, drawFunc: (MatOfPoint, Mat) => Unit, areaThreshold: Int, isFill: Boolean, colorUnderThreshold: Scalar, colorOverThreshold: Scalar): Mat = { val thickness = if(isFill) -1 else 2 for (i <- 0 until contours.size()) { val currentContour = contours.get(i) val currentArea = Imgproc.contourArea(currentContour) if (currentArea > areaThreshold) { logDebug("Contour points: {}", contours.get(i).size().height) Imgproc.drawContours(outImage, contours, i, colorOverThreshold, thickness) logDebug("Area: {}", currentArea) drawFunc(currentContour, outImage) } else { Imgproc.drawContours(outImage, contours, i, colorUnderThreshold, thickness) } } outImage } // 用方框包起来 def drawBoundingBox(currentContour: MatOfPoint, outImage: Mat) { val rectangle = Imgproc.boundingRect(currentContour) Imgproc.rectangle(outImage, rectangle.tl(), rectangle.br(), new Scalar(255, 0, 0), 1) } // 用圈包起来 def drawEnclosingCircle(currentContour: MatOfPoint, outImage: Mat) { val radius = new Array[Float](1) val center = new Point() val tmp = new MatOfPoint2f() currentContour.convertTo(tmp, CvType.CV_32FC2) Imgproc.minEnclosingCircle(tmp, center, radius) Imgproc.circle(outImage, center, radius(0).toInt, new Scalar(255, 0, 0)) } // 凸多边形包起来 def drawConvexHull(currentContour: MatOfPoint, outImage: Mat) { val hull = new MatOfInt(); Imgproc.convexHull(currentContour, hull); val hullContours = new java.util.ArrayList[MatOfPoint]() val hullMat = new MatOfPoint() hullMat.create(hull.size().height.toInt, 1, CvType.CV_32SC2) for (j <- 0 until hull.size().height.toInt) { val index = (hull.get(j, 0)(0)).toInt //val point = Array[Double]( // currentContour.get(index, 0)(0), // currentContour.get(index, 0)(1)) //hullMat.put(j, 0, point) hullMat.put(j, 0, currentContour.get(index, 0)(0), currentContour.get(index, 0)(1)) } hullContours.add(hullMat); Imgproc.drawContours(outImage, hullContours, 0, new Scalar(128, 0, 0), 2) }
We firstly clone our target binary image, so we won't change it. Then, we initialize
the MatOfPoint
structure and define the thickness flag. We then run findContours
ignoring the output hierarchy matrix. It is time to iterate the contours in the for
loop. We use the Imgproc.contourArea
helper function for an area estimate. Based
on that, if it is the previous areaThreshold
defined by the slider, it is drawn as green
using the drawContours
function or else it is drawn as red.