Jade Dungeon




Open csv.vmb in Vim and source the file: :so %

This will install the plugin into your $HOME/.vim/ftplugin directory and the documentation into your $HOME/.vim/doc directory.

See also the help for installing Vimball-Archives (:h vimball-intro)

Take a look at :h ft-csv.txt for the documenation and read :h csv-installation to have vim automatically detect csv-files.




This little filetype plugin allows among others:

  • Display on which column the cursor is as well as number of columns
  • Search for text within a column using :SearchInColumn command
  • Highlight the column on which the cursor is using :HiColumn command
  • Visually arrange all columns using :ArrangeColumn command
  • Delete a Column using :DeleteColumn command
  • Display a vertical or horizontal header line using :Header or :VHeader command
  • Sort a Column using :Sort command
  • Copy Column to register using :Column command
  • Move a column behind another column using :MoveCol command
  • Sum values within a column using :SumCol (you can also define your own)
  • Move through the columns using the normal mode commands
    • W forwards,
    • H backwards,
    • K upwards,
    • J downwards
  • sets up syntax highlighting, concealing the delimiter, if Vim supports it
  • Analyze all values of a column (distribution) using :Analyze command
  • Insert new records, using :NewRecord command
  • Implement a wizard to setup fixed-width CSV files using :CSVFixed
  • Hide certain columns, using :VertFold
  • :Table to create ascii type tables available as plugin for all filetypes)
  • dynamic filtering:
    • Press enter on a value and all other lines, that don't have this value in this column will be folded away.
    • Press enter on another value and this value will be ANDed to the filter list.
    • Press Backspace to delete the last item from the filter list.
    • Press Space to fold all lines, that have the same value in the current field,
    • Press Enter to fold all lines, that have a different value in the current field.
    • Use :Filters to see what filters are actvie

Please read the help on how to use the plugin :h ft-csv.txt
